Warm Water with Lemon & Apple Cider Vinegar: What, Why & How?

by, Danielle Stein

In the morning, I absolutely adore drinking (depending on my mood) either a large mug or even a whole Liter of warm water with 2-3 tsp. of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and the juice of 1/2 -1 whole lemon. How much of each you add to your warm water will depend on your personal taste buds and the amount of water you’re drinking. Doing this gives your liver and digestive system the ultimate healthy treatment! It’s such an amazing way to kick-start your day. More amazing benefits are listed below…

Tip: WARM water (as opposed to hot or cold) is key as water too hot will kill the nutrients and enzymes that the lemon provides and water that is too cold takes longer to hydrate your body because your body will first have to warm up the cold water before it can begin to reap its benefits.

Benefits of Lemon:

  1. Boosts your immune system
  2. Flushes out unwanted materials
  3. Flushes out unwanted toxins
  4. Helps aid in weight loss
  5. Is a natural blood purifier
  6. Balances your pH level
  7. Helps relieve respiratory issues
  8. Helps aid in throat infections
  9. Decreases blemishes
  10. Decreases wrinkles
  11. Naturally energizes you
  12. Hydrating
  13. Alkaline in the body
  14. Aids digestion
  15. It even oxygenates the body so you feel revitalized and refreshed!

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (raw & unfiltered, please!):

  1. Very rich in enzymes and potassium
  2. Helps clear up acne
  3. Helps relieve allergies
  4. Lowers blood pressure
  5. Lowers cholesterol
  6. Reduces inflammation
  7. Helps aid in weight loss by breaking down fat
  8. Balances pH level
  9. Helps relieve muscle pain from workouts
  10. Helps dissolve kidney stones
  11. Helps prevent sinus infection
  12. Helps prevent acid reflux
  13. Helps prevent arthritis
  14. Lowers levels of fatigue
  15. Aids digestion
  16. Helps control and prevent candida

Drinking warm water in the morning is also wonderful because it is so important to stay adequately hydrated, especially first thing in the morning. You will become regular more easily and adding the lemon and apple cider vinegar allows for a boosted metabolism and as you can see, SO many important benefits!

Tip: If you’re a coffee drinker this is a great, much more healthy substitute.

I hope you enjoy this routine as much as I do!

If not…


  • Drink the water with lemon on its own and take your Apple Cider Vinegar with pure apple juice.
  • Drink your combo with a tsp. of raw honey

If you are interested in personalized assistance regarding your health and wellbeing, I invite you to contact me  so we can schedule a complimentary health consultation

48 thoughts on “Warm Water with Lemon & Apple Cider Vinegar: What, Why & How?

  1. Pingback: How to make hair shiny and frizz free? | edit ma haiR--

  2. Pingback: List of Amazing Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar | Natural Hair Care Top Tips

  3. Just started drinking lemon and cider vinegar today. I love it it’s like eating salt and vinegar chips without the calories. Thank You.

  4. Great benefits. Currently I am drinking warm water and fresh squeezed lemon juice first thing in the morning, then later drinking acv (with the mother) and water. Now I will mix the two in the morning.

  5. Pingback: Food for Beautiful Skin |

  6. Hi. I have been drinking warm water and lemon and have since lost the desire to drink coffee in the morning, 🙂 i have just started adding honey and cider into the mix but with caution as i have a whacked liver due to diabetes. Is cider bad news for liver problems? I have a very high sgpt and i don’t want to complicate it any further. Thanks.

  7. I have been drinking lemon juice and water first thing every morning for quite a while but am looking forward to adding the acv. I use my Keurig for the water. I never thought about it being too hot and killing the enzymes. Do you think that is too hot? Should I just run lukewarm water out of faucet? Thanks so much.

  8. I have been drinking warm water with freshly squeezed lemon and tsp of honey for many years. Now have started adding 2 tsp to this tonic as well. Finding it harsher on the throat but will persist. Reason for adding ACV is have been diagnosed with inflamed prostate and read that ACV is good for reducing the inflammation. Will wait to see in couple of weeks if can feel any improvements from this tonic.

  9. Pingback: To Coffee, or Not to Coffee | All the Way Yoga

  10. My husband has been drinking the acv with water and lemon for over a year now and I always thought it smelled like feet. He hasn’t been sick in over a year! I started drinking it about a month ago but added honey and cinnamon , for better flavor, to help stop a cold from coming on, and like a miracle, I felt better in a day! I feel more energy during the day! This stuff is amazing!

  11. I just started drinking this yesterday. I can already feel a difference! I have horrible carpal tunnel in both hands, so bad that I can hardly grip anything, be it a pen to sign my name, a broom to sweep or even holding a dish while washing dishes. My doctor has tried everything she can think of to help alleviate it and consulted with other doctors, nothing has helped. I’ve tried every homeopathic treatment I’ve heard of and nothing. I can’t afford to have the surgery since I don’t have health insurance. Drinking this twice yesterday (first thing in the morning and then in the afternoon) I noticed a slight decrease in the pain. Hopefully it will keep improving the longer I drink it. One question I had was, are there any drawbacks to drinking it a few times a day? I noticed if I drink a mug of it before eating, I feel full a lot faster. My plan is to get into the habit of drinking a mug of it before each meal, does that sound ok?

  12. Is it possible to consume this drink without losing too much weight? I really want to reap the benefits from this drink but I also don’t want to lose any weight.

  13. I do drink acv & water in morning ..so if I add lemon juice to this mix..you dont think itll activate my gerd.do u?? I suffer ibs. Gerd..& looks to be edema..if this helps..wow!!!

  14. I’ve been drinking the warm water & lemon but I think I will take it up a notch and add the apple cider. I would love to burn a few inches. Thanks for sharing! ☺

  15. Loved your post.
    I have been a lemon water loyalist ever since I was goaded by my mother into trying it as a teenager. At that point I was willing to try anything to put an end to the innumerable zits that started popping up on my face. This elixir has held me in good stead for years now.
    A GOOD TIP is to add a dash of cinnamon powder, its anti microbial properties add a host of benefits to the already amazing drink.

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