Do You REALLY Love Your Life?

Hi there, beautiful! Today, I’m going to ask you a very important question…

Do you love your life? Really love it? Are you allowing yourself to receive everything you have always wanted?

I hope so! Many people don’t and you could very well be one of them. It is so important that we listen to our hearts, follow our bliss and live the life we really love. A big part of that is being authentic. We cant be truly happy until we are 100% honest with ourselves about who we really are. Forget about who you are supposed to be and just be YOU. After all, there is only one of you now and forever, and that’s a pretty miraculous thing in and of itself.

2 books to help you get started with this journey include:
The Power of Now by, Eckhart Tolle


 Spirit Junkie by, Gabrielle Bernstein.

Have you claimed your complimentary Optimal Beauty Assessment yet? If not, I invite you to do so! Every single person deserves one and it is a gift from me to you. You can sign up today by clicking the button below!

8 Things I’m Loving Right Now

Recently, I have been discovering so many fun, non-toxic, beautifying things. So, of course, I want to share them all with you! Consider them my little healthy tricks, tips and advice for a healthier, happier life because that is what they are in my eyes and in my life.

1) Eco Tan

I have never in my life (and even in my toxic party girl days) used self-tanner. Ive never had a problem tanning and grew up in Florida, the Sunshine State so I never really went without sunshine. Nowadays, you couldn’t get me near the stuff just based on most self-tanner’s majorly toxic ingredients. However, Eco Tan is the exception. Not only does it give me more of a sunkissed glow each time I use it (which isn’t even every day), but it does not stain (hands, sheets, towels, clothes) and has provided me with an overall healthy glow right out of winter. The best part? It’s organic, contains less than 20 ingredients! All of which are safe for your health, optimal beauty and overall wellbeing. For example, aloe vera juice, cacao fruit and chamomile are a few of the lovelier ingredients. You can find out more about Eco Tan here.

2) A big glass of water with a drop of peppermint oil.









Simple and so delicious! I love essential oils. Love   them. I use doTerra which are organic and certified pure therapeutic grade so you know you’re getting the best of the best. Peppermint is amazing for focus, headache relief, digestion and tastes fabulous. Add 1 drop to a large (about 1 L) glass of water and enjoy! 

3)Beauty From the Inside Out











Dr. Libby is a personal role model to me so you can imagine my excitement when I received her new book as a gift in the mail from her. Beauty from the inside out is one of the major motto’s here at Optimal Beauty so, naturally, I couldn’t wait to dive in. This book is filled with so much fantastic, juicy information and I can’t wait to start sharing it with you all.

4) Self-love cards by Sacred Self

Pic of the cards and my video on YouTube about them. 🙂

In a recent YouTube video I talk about self-love, affirmations and how much I love my Sacred Self Self-Love Cards. Well, let me tell you; when I first got them I was still on my journey towards the Optimal Beauty Lifestyle and I didn’t quite appreciate them the way I do now. I LOVE these cards. I shuffle the deck, pick out 2 from the top and they are always so appropriate for where I am in my life and how I am feeling that day. It’s amazing. I look at them throughout the day as I work and let them remind me of how wonderful I am. 😉 Great inspiration booster!

5) Meditation music on Pandora: “Heart Meditations Radio” 

I have played around with meditation for a while. I believe that it is SO important for anyone looking to live their Optimal Beauty Lifestyle (just sit in stillness, focusing on the breath for 5 minutes per day at least). Ive tried complete silence, guided meditations, etc. This radio station on Pandora (nature sounds, soft, calming tunes) is my absolute favorite. It’s relaxing enough to make you actually want to sit still, yet isn’t disgracing. You can download Pandora on iTunes.

6) Butter LONDON nailpolish

Part of my Optimal Beauty Lifestyle includes non-toxic living (in all areas of life- this includes beauty products, the way you treat yourself and the way you treat others). Butter LONDON is just as beautiful, glossy and hip as any other line out there (my fave used to be OPI), but made without the 3 BIG toxic offenders. Butter’s colors are just as gorgeous if not better! Start buying Butter instead of your usual fave line and slowly, but surely you will have a new collection of toxic-free polish. OR do what I did and start from scratch right away. 🙂

7) The Conversation

It is my new favorite show. So amazing! I can’t recommend it enough and you can watch it all online for free. It is perfect for strong, independent women- or those aspiring to be! Celebrities and influential women are interviewed about love, life, body image, divorce, marriage, beauty, style, career, parenting, wellness and truth. It’s the most real, raw and heart-warming show I have ever had the pleasure of watching. Check it out here.

8) Fit Hoop

“The weighted fitness hula hoop.” This has been so fun to add to my exercise regime! I am always looking for new ways to move my body that are fun. Fit Hoop is fab! You hula hoop for 10 min per day or maybe a few times a week (depending on your schedule) and watch your abs transform. I’m only just getting started, but it’s becoming my favorite ab routine. 😉 Just put some music on and swing those hips. Check them out here!

Enjoy, lovelies! xoxo, Danielle

Do you feel inspired to deepen your relationship with your beauty and wellness? Claim your complimentary Optimal Beauty assessment today! 

A Special ‘Hello!’ To All of My Beautiful Blog Followers

Hello to all of you beautiful souls! First, I would like to thank you with all my heart for participating in this website! I pour my heart and soul into it. It’s my baby. 🙂

On that note, I would like to invite you to actually join my weekly newsletter in addition or instead. Why?

I include special announcements, discounts on coaching, exclusive recipes, extra health tips and inspiration and very soon there will be a FREE e-book entitled, The Optimal Beauty Starter Kit!

Here is a little sneak peek from my desktop…

How can you sign up for this?

Click this link to receive all of the above..and more to come.

All my love to you!

Danielle xoxo

P.S. I have 5 Optimal Beauty Assessments this week available for women who are ready to claim their best life! Email me at to book in your session! Spots are filling up fast, so if you’re called to deepen your relationship with your beauty and wellness, take inspired action now!

How to Practice Gratitude for Your Physical and Emotional Health

by, Danielle Stein

Today, I want to talk about “being grateful”. This phrase seems to be thrown around a lot and when I first heard it I didn’t exactly know what it meant. You may have heard that it’s “good for your health” or “it’s important to practice gratitude every day”. But, what does it mean to be grateful for something? What’s the point of trying to figure it out? It’s important to write it down and say it out loud, but why? And last, what am I MOST grateful for, right now (this is where we will take a look into “my story “).

The word “Grateful” is defined by as: “Feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful.”

That’s great, but it still doesn’t really look at the true meaning.

Here’s what I have figured out. Being grateful (or “being mindful”) of all the wonderful things you have literally has the ability to improve your life in so many ways. Studies have been done that can speak for each benefit I have listed below. Furthermore; writing down what you are grateful for and/or saying it out loud is the real key. It is truly amazing what a simple, quick exercise can do for you emotionally & physically.

Being Grateful…

  • literally makes you feel happier
  • boosts your overall wellbeing 
  • promotes better focus
  • allows for more overall life satisfaction
  • can make someone more able, socially
  • can make you a better friend allowing you to be able to boost people higher
  • can help you sleep sounder 
  • can make your romantic relationship stronger
  • improves positive thinking
  • can control heart rate variability (because you will be more appreciative and positive)  
  • can improve the immune system (because the immune system is linked to optimism and positive feelings)
  • can decrease stress levels 

As I’m sure you have gathered, being “grateful” has so may benefits; there are basically no limits.

Recently, I was asked, “What are you most grateful for right now?”

My first reaction? My family, friends and fiancé are all incredible and they are all in good health (as am I)! That’s the most important thing. Life in general…is amazing.

And yes, there are much bigger blessings in my life than my answer stated below. However, in that moment I decided to focus on myself and my health & wellbeing.

I told them…

“I have so many things I can be grateful for in my life. It’s hard to pick the biggest. Obviously my friends, family and fiancé come first. But right now, the biggest thing that I am grateful for is discovering true health and wellness and turning that from simply a passion into a career. I now run my own health coaching practice and love every minute of it! I have discovered my true calling and in the process have discovered what it is like to live life really feeling alive and vibrant. I struggled with my weight and energy levels for years. I never really neglected my health, I was just doing all the wrong things. I listened to the media way too much and followed fads. When I finally understood what true nutrition is and learned how to actually take care of myself everything fell into place. It was magical. Weight fell off, energy levels went up, stress levels went down and a sense of clarity draped over me in a way I would have never imagined possible. It truly changed my life and I now have a career where I can help others do the same. What could be better?”

So…what’s your biggest blessing? What are you grateful for?

Tip: Personally, I use Sacred Self’s Gratitude Journal to practice being grateful. I write down what I am grateful for (typically about 5-6 days a week) when I first wake up (while I am oil pulling- see benefits & my how-to guide here). Sometimes I want to skip it, but I don’t because I have learned how grounded, full of love and peaceful I feel after I do. It only takes me about 5-10 minutes and it’s the best way to start the day.  I invite you to experiment and figure out the best way  to practice gratitude for you so you may reap the many amazing benefits too.

~~~Here’s to ultimate health, optimal beauty and appreciating the wonderful life we are living. And from now on, wherever you go, go with a grateful heart!

Like this post? Don’t forget to share it with your friends! xoxo

source: Huffington Post , Pic #1, Pic #2.

12 Ways To Feel Happier, Right Now!

by, Danielle Stein

1. Don’t compare yourself to others. It’s completely toxic and will only distract you from being your best self. Just be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

2. Ditch judgement . Everyone is on their own, unique journey. Learn to appreciate that. If everyone was exactly the same life would be boring.

3. Stop worrying about what others are doing. This distracts us from our purpose and our own special gifts. Trust your gut. Remember how awesome you are and be authentically you.
Think of this affirmation: “What you think you become.”

4. “Don’t chase fame, success or love, become the best version of yourself and those things will chase you.” Enough said.

5. Accept compliments. Have you ever met someone who immediately after giving them a compliment turns it around by telling you you’re a)wrong or b) saying something like, “That’s not true, but thanks anyway.” ? Learn to accept and appreciate when people go out of their way to treat you with kindness and praise you for your accomplishments and fabulous qualities.

6. Choose love vs. fear. Gabrielle Bernstein teaches us this important lesson in her book, Spirit Junkie. She explains how (with the help from, A Course in Miracles) she left a life filled with negativity, doubt and ego for one filled with positive energy, authenticity and true happiness. Let us strive to do the same.

7. Exercise. Move your body, we’re made for it. Whether it’s in the form of dancing in your room, cleaning the house, going to the gym, mountain biking, yoga or walking your dog; just get up and make it fun as possible.

8. Listen to your body. Our bodies are miraculous. Take a minute to appreciate the fact that our hearts continuously  beat away, our lungs keep allowing breath to flow and the ability it has to comprehend what foods it needs to flourish & thrive. Listen to it, acknowledge that it is smarter than you are. Experiment and allow your body to have a chance to help you eat clean and practice true healthy living.

9. Be the change you wish to see.  Ask yourself, “What is my purpose? What is my special gift?” And go do it. The world needs you.

10. Make sure to live the life you really want. Make sure it feels good on the inside and doesn’t just look good on the outside.

11. Eat clean. The way we eat has a drastic affect on our mood and hormones. Nourish your body. Eat real, whole foods without labels, drink green smoothies & juices and get back to basics. You are what you eat. Learn to let, “Food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates

12. Get enough sleep. Sleep affects us drastically. It plays a huge role in our mood, ability to lose weight and be our most productive selves. Make sure to get at least 8 hours per night. You can read more about this here.

Personally, I strive to implement these steps into my life on a constant basis. Of course, negativity and doubt try to take over sometimes, but I always do my best to get back to positivity and self-love quickly. When I do, happiness floods in and fills me right up.

I invite you to share this with your friends and if you are interested in personalized assistance regarding your health and wellbeing, I please contact me so we can schedule a complimentary health consultation

A Woman’s Guide to Self-Lovin’

by, Danielle Stein

Pic Source. 

I talk a lot about nutrition and health. I talk a lot about how food is medicine and we are what we eat. However, today I want to talk about something a bit different, but keep in mind that just because it is different does not mean it is not as important as nourishing our bodies with the “right” foods. We also have to nourish ourselves with something else. I’m talking about a certain kind of love that is more important than any other you will have ever known.

I’m talking about self-love. This kind of love is the act of loving yourself- wholly, unconditionally and without reprimand. Think of the way you love your kids, your dog, your mother or father…do you love yourself just as much or (yes, please) more? You absolutely should love yourself more. I promise, this is not selfish; it is necessary.

I have a small request…I would like you to fall madly in love with yourself. Like I said, this is not selfish, it is necessary.

It’s no secret how wonderful, talented, beautiful and unique you are. So, why not? Not only is this act actually good for your health, but you will love life so much more if you do. Everything comes together when you do this. If you are having difficulty focusing on your health and wellbeing, this will help. If you are having trouble in a romantic relationship, this will help. If you are having trouble making new friends, this will help.

In life, you have to love yourself first, no questions asked. Everything in your life will start to thrive effortlessly when you do. You will radiate with love, joy and self-worth- it will be written all over your face. It is so beautiful, and I invite you to start today.

Start looking at yourself and your life differently starting right now. Focus on the love you have for yourself. Think about your accomplishments, your inner & outer beauty, your successes, your defeats…all apply. Wherever you are in your life; single, married, divorced, in a relationship, engaged- start your self-love journey today.

Follow this list for some of my favorite acts of self-love and although there are many more, I believe these will help get you started until you find some of your own favorites.

  • Journaling. Such a great way to release. To release anger, frustration, self-doubt, negativity, self-hatred. I want you to write it all down. The good, the bad, the ugly. Let it go. I also want you to write down the things you’re grateful for. It can be intangible (like the air in your lungs, the beautiful day, or the love of your family) or something tangible like (your job, your new bed sheets, food in the fridge for your favorite meal).
  • Treat yourself. Take the time to relax in a bubble bath, do some yoga, apply a new (organic!) face mask.
  • Skip the television. Advertisements are incredibly well thought-out, but they do NOT serve your best interest. In fact, they are strategically thought out so that you actually feel terrible about yourself.  I recommend recording your favorite shows so you can fast forward through them or watching a movie instead (preferably featuring a powerful, independent woman or something hilarious. Laughing has been scientifically proven to boost your mood.)
  • Bake yourself a delicious, guilt-free treat (or treats)! Don’t subject yourself to the “sugar blues” any time, any day.  The emotional roller coaster processed sugar causes will only make anything and everything going on in your life completely dramatized. Trust me. (I have many fab, easy, homemade, completely guilt-free dessert recipes on the blog. You can find them at any time!
  • Call a family member or friend who lifts you higher (and preferably makes you laugh). Talking to a loved one who really knows you and just “gets you” is going to make you feel loved, happy and alive. Let them know what’s new and good in your life.
  • Go for a walk or run outside. Connecting with nature combined with the endorphins from exercise is so good for the soul. It truly is an instant mood booster. Listen to your favorite playlist; something upbeat is always good.
  • If you’re near the beach or another body of water – go there. Walk on the beach, sit and simply breath in the salty sea air, listen to the ocean or go for a quick dip. This always lifts my spirits way up and beyond. Don’t live near water? Go to a place that makes you feel at ease. The park, a hilltop…
  • Go to the mirror, look at yourself, and repeat, “I accept and love myself exactly as I am.”  I know it sounds a bit silly, but affirmations are very powerful. If you’re someone who is hard on themselves (and many of us are) you will really benefit from this. I want you to love yourself with all your heart. Saying this in the mirror will make your subconscious start to believe it, and therefore you will start to believe it and accept yourself for the fabulous person that you are. Say this affirmation over and over again if you want to, or whenever you walk past a mirror- the more the better.
  • Pull an Oprah and make a vision board. Have you taken the time to sort out your goals lately? Vision boards have become increasingly popular, are very effective and a fun, creative activity in general. Print out pics from the web/pinterest or cut them out of magazines. Anything that you feel relates to your goals is great! Quotes, pics of inspirational people, landscapes that make you feel peaceful/somewhere you want to go are all great.
  • Have a girls night! Drink a little red wine, prepare delicious, healthy meals and desserts, and vow to banish any negative self talk for the night (and all other nights would be ideal!). Go around and list the thing you each love about yourselves the most. Then give a compliment to each person there and them the same to you.

Self-love is one of the most important things when it comes to your health and wellness. Don’t let the media or society determine how you feel about yourself or who you are. This life is yours- conquer it. Start your self-love journey right now. Start giving yourself all the love you have to give! Be in love with yourself every minute of every day. It’s the best gift anyone could ever render. Remember how incredibly fabulous and beautiful you are-inside and out. Remember to be grateful for what you have (which I bet is a hell of a lot more than so many people!). Love yourself enough to make good choices. Stay positive and here’s to the exciting journey towards true health, wellness and self-lovin’ there could ever be!

Self-love yourself up, love yourself to pieces and never look back.

If you feel that you need personalized assistance regarding your health and wellbeing, please don’t hesitate to contact me to schedule a complimentary consultation

10 Ways to Know if You’ve Found The “One” & Why it’s Good for Your Health

by, Danielle Stein

Previously posted on 

Pic Source

The “One”. It can be such a daunting word. Being with the right person can not only determine true, authentic, unconditional happiness; but your health as well. True health is about more than nutrition. We have to look at all aspects of our lives (in fact, this is exactly what my coaching entails with my clients). Being in a toxic relationship may keep you from true happiness, experiencing unconditional love and can hold you back from living the life you’re meant to be living. I am not a psychologist, but I’m a holistic health coach who has studied how each area of life plays a huge role in your wellbeing (and perhaps even your weight and how clear your skin is). I also happen to be madly in love with my fiancé. I have found my soul mate, best friend and the most perfect person on this earth for me. We are incredibly lucky. I hope each and every one of you takes a minute to evaluate your current romantic relationship and doesn’t accept anything but greatness.

Here are 10 (out of so many) simple things to look out for to see if you’ve found them.

  1. Your partner is your best friend. You’re 110% yourself , you feel free and enjoy the little things in life together. 
  2. Your partner is  the one you want next to you in your deepest, darkest moment or moments.
  3. You are capable of being away from each other, but neither of you like it one bit.
  4. Your partner is your #1 choice for the person you want with you when you splurge on your favorite treat, watch an embarrassing television show or forget about your manners at the dinner table because you’re too exhausted that day.
  5. The two of you compromise with each other and you don’t always get your way.
  6. You care about their needs more than your own.
  7. You both know that throughout life you might change and grow, but you will always change and grow together. Life is about enjoying the stages with each other. 
  8. When something happens; terrible, exciting or completely insignificant- they’re always the first person you want to tell.
  9. They are the person who balances you out, and you balance them out. Where one is weaker, the other is stronger.
  10. You know that no matter what they will always stand by you and be on your side.

Bonus: You both take a moment, each and every day to think about just how lucky you are to have found your most perfect person on this earth.

“The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. If in loving them we do not love what they are, but only their potential likeness to ourselves, then we do not love them: we only love the reflection of ourselves we find in them.”  – Thomas Merton

Here’s to true love!

Do you have anything you would add to this list?

Remember, if you enjoyed this article spread the love and share it with your friends!

Pic Source 

If you are interested in personalized assistance regarding your health and wellbeing, I invite you to contact me  so we can schedule a complimentary health consultation

The Benefits Of “Getting Healthy” May Go Further Than You Think

by, Danielle Stein

In the media today, proper nutrition is seen as something that is necessary to be “healthy”, right? But what does this mean? What is “health” and what is it all about? Today, I want to take a moment and write to you about WHY getting healthy is not only about “looking good”, “beating cancer” or “avoiding diabetes”.  It is about SO much more than that. For some, those things are not enough. Maybe you like the way you look and you’re comfortable with your weight- that is fabulous! Perhaps cancer and other diseases seem unrealistic at this point in your life and you don’t want to live your life looking into the future, but in the present moment and that’s OK too! However, what you may not realize is just how much you can be affected by proper nutrition and wellness; A.K.A. taking care of yourself. The list below demonstrates this and I welcome you to take a read so that you have all the info. You may be surprised by some of the outcomes that are listed.

Benefits to “getting healthy” include, but are not limited to:

  • Skin that glows
  • Whiter/brighter eyes
  • Healthier gums
  • Whiter teeth
  • Improved levels of collagen elastin (a.k.a. less wrinkles, wrinkle prevention)
  • Cleared acne (leaving you with more time to sleep in the morning/a shorter makeup routine)
  • More energy
  • A clearer mind (leaving you with more success in life)
  • Lower levels of stress
  • Improved cognitive function &  focus
  • Improved digestion
  • Improved recovery rates from work outs, illnesses & physical ailments
  • A stronger immune system
  • Higher levels of self-esteem
  • Higher levels of self-worth
  • Reversed infertility
  • Ability to be more grateful & appreciate life
  • Intuitively understand what foods your body wants/needs
  • Control cravings
  • Control PMS symptoms
  • Control your daily mood
  • Oh yeah, and you’ll save money on doctor’s bills and can spend that money on smaller jeans. 😉

There truly are so many benefits to “getting healthy”. This is a list of only some of the main effects of taking care of yourself with proper nutrition. As you can see, they’re pretty much endless! What’s stopping you? Make the rest of your life, the best of your life, starting today! 

Are you ready to make the rest of your life the best of your life? Contact Danielle today for a FREE Optimal Beauty Assessment!

Contest: Win a FREE Juicer

Come join me (@_daniellestein_) and the fabulous @yogella on Instagram (free app) for your chance to win a FREE JUICER!

WIN A FREE JUICER:  Starting Saturday, May 4th @yogaella and I will be hosting a juice & clean eating contest for 7 days! Tune in for 1 daily juice & 1 clean eating meal or dessert recipe each day of the contest. YOU could be the winner of this fabulous vitamin squeezing machine by Brevillle.

Grocery shopping list for all recipes will be posted the day before the contest begins (May 3rd).

  1. Get your friends to join by tagging them in the comments below. The more the merrier. Winner must have at least liked or commented on this photo.
  2. On May 4th 2013, start juicing and eating clean! Post your pics and ingredients with hashtag #myjuice
  3. Make sure to not only hashtag but also tag both me @_daniellestein_ and the fabulous @yogella in your pics!
  4. The winner will be chosen based on creativity of ingredients and use of the provided recipes so have fun!
Get ready to start bikini/speedo shopping! We’re getting fit for summer! Can’t wait to start juicing! #myjuice
  • START: Saturday May 4th, 20313
  • END: Friday May 10th, 2013
  • WINNER receives: one Breville Juicer and recognition for their hard work!
Happy posting! xoxo
If you are interested in personalized assistance with your health & wellness, I invite you to contact me to schedule a complimentary consultation

TEDxTalks: An 11-Year-Old Explains the Dangers of Our Food System Perfectly

This video is truly an inspiration. So much so that the word “inspiration” simply does not do it justice.

Back in 2010, at only 11 years of age, Burke Baehr is a brilliant public speaker who voices the facts and his concerns about the modern-day food system with such grace and perfect relate-ability.

In brief; he talks about “the dark side” of the industrialized food industry here in America.

Take 5 minutes out of your day to listen to Burke break down the hard facts in such an easy-to-understand way.

Read here to learn more about the amazing Burke Baehr!

xoxo, Danielle

For more health and wellness guidance, I invite you to contact me so we can schedule your free consultation to discuss your health goals.